RIVERSIDE, CA – Complete Coach Works (CCW), a leading provider of transit and sustainable transportation solutions, proudly announces its remarkable achievement in the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) 2024 Annual Ad Wheel Awards Competition. The company was presented two First Place Awards for its outstanding contributions in Best Print Media for Workforce Development – “Recruitment Print Initiative” and Best Electronic Media for Workforce Development – “Recruitment Video Initiative”.

APTA’s Annual Ad Wheel Awards Competition is well-regarded within the public transportation industry, recognizing excellence in marketing and communications efforts. CCW’s exceptional performance in this year’s competition underscores the company’s commitment to innovation, creativity, and effectiveness in promoting workforce development initiatives.

Collaborating closely with the Human Resources department, CCW’s Marketing team developed strategies to attract and retain top talent for its organizations. This collaborative effort played a pivotal role in the company’s success, highlighting the significance of cross-departmental collaboration in achieving organizational goals.

Marketing professionals across the nation joined the awards ceremony held at the Marketing, Communications, and Customer Experience Workshop in New Orleans, LA, February 11th -14th. CCW had the honor of accepting the awards from Jaime Kazlo, Vice-Chair, and Adam Shumaker, Secretary of the Marketing, Communications, and Customer Experience committee.

“We are thrilled and honored to receive these prestigious awards from APTA,” said Kallie Arevalo, Marketing Manager at CCW. “We recognize the importance of investing in our workforce and creating opportunities for professional growth. These awards validate our efforts in leveraging print and electronic media to effectively communicate our commitment to workforce development.”

For more information about Complete Coach Works and its innovative solutions, visit CompleteCoach.com.